Online Therapy
Sometimes the thought of one more appointment to fit into the calendar is overwhelming. Life is full of work, kids, appointments, travel and surprises. I offer online therapy sessions to accommodate my clients’ busy lives. Telehealth allows us to work together no matter where you live in Colorado, the weather conditions, or where you might be travelling throughout the world.
A few of things to consider if online therapy is for you…
Do you have a space in either your home or office that is private and allows you to focus solely on our session for 50-60 minutes? Therapy works best when you are able to fully immerse yourself in the process and allow the uninterrupted healing to happen.
Do you want to use your health insurance to cover your therapy? If so, you will need to call them to see if they cover telehealth. Many insurance companies do cover online sessions but it’s good to verify that before we begin.
Do you have adequate technology to support online sessions? You will need a laptop or PC with a webcam or a Smart Phone.
Is your permanent home address in Colorado? By law, since I am only licensed in Colorado, I can only see clients who currently reside in Colorado.